_hjSessionUser_5036181 | 1st party cookie | 1 year | This 1st party cookie is stored in the browser when a visitor first visits the website. It stores a unique Hotjar ID specific to that website, ensuring that subsequent visits to the same website are linked to the same ID. This helps accurately track visitor interactions and behaviour on the website. |
_hjHasCachedUserAttributes | 1st party cookie | session | This 1st party cookie helps determine if the data stored in the _hjUserAttributes Local Storage item is up to date. It uses a true/false boolean value to indicate the status. This ensures that the user attributes are accurately maintained during a browsing session. |
_hjUserAttributesHash | 1st party cookie | 2 min | This 1st party cookie helps determine when user attributes have been changed and if they need updating. It uses a hash data type to effectively track changes, ensuring that visitor attribute information remains accurate during web sessions. |
_hjUserAttributes | local storage | persistent | This local storage item stores User Attributes sent through the Hotjar Identify API. It uses Base64 encoded JSON data to ensure secure and efficient storage of user attribute information. |
hjViewportId | session storage | session | This session storage item stores details about the user’s viewport, including its size and dimensions. It uses a UUID data type to ensure unique identification and accurate tracking of the viewport information during sessions. |
hjActiveViewportIds | local storage | persistent | This local storage item stores the IDs of active user viewports. It includes an expiration timestamp to validate active viewports during script initialization. It uses the JSON data type. |
_hjSession_3573289 | 1st party cookie | 30 min | This 1st party cookie holds current session data. It ensures subsequent requests in the session window are attributed to the same session. It uses the JSON data type. |
_hjCookieTest | 1st party cookie | < 1 min | This 1st party cookie checks if the Hotjar code can use cookies. If it can, a value of 1 is set. It is deleted almost immediately after being created and uses a Boolean true/false data type. |
_hjLocalStorageTest | local storage | persistent | This 1st party cookie checks if the Hotjar code can use Local Storage. If it can, a value of 1 is set. The data stored has no expiration time but is deleted almost immediately after being created, using a true/false data type. |
_hjSessionStorageTest | session storage | session | This session storage item checks if the Hotjar code can use session storage. If it can, a value of 1 is set. The data stored has no expiration time but is deleted almost immediately after being created, using a true/false data type. |
_hjTLDTest | 1st party cookie | session | This session storage item tests if the _hjTLDTest cookie can be stored for different URL substrings until it fails. This process helps determine the most generic cookie path to use, allowing cookies to be shared across subdomains where applicable. After the check, the cookie is removed, using a true/false data type. |
static.hotjar.com | 3rd party requests | none | These 3rd party requests load the Hotjar service script on the website. They enable user interaction tracking, heatmaps, and session recordings, helping us understand visitor behaviour and improve website usability. |
script.hotjar.com | 3rd party requests | none | These 3rd party requests are used by the Hotjar service on the website. They load scripts to measure browser performance and load modules necessary for Hotjar's functionality. These requests help track user interactions, generate heatmaps, and record sessions to improve website usability. |
metrics.hotjar.io | 3rd party requests | none | These 3rd party requests are used by the Hotjar service on the website. They send data to Hotjar's metrics endpoint, helping to collect and analyse user interaction data. This aids in the creation of heatmaps and session recordings to improve website usability. |
vc.hotjar.io | 3rd party requests | none | These 3rd party requests are used by the Hotjar service on the website. They send session data to Hotjar's servers, which helps track user interactions and behaviour. This information is used to generate heatmaps and session recordings, improving the overall usability of the website. |
content.hotjar.io | 3rd party requests | none | These 3rd party requests are used by the Hotjar service on the website. They retrieve content data from Hotjar's servers, which helps in loading the necessary resources for tracking user interactions and behaviour. |